FAQ Email to GW

Just sent this to GW.  The more people that make similar points, the more likely they are to listen, I expect, so if you agree with any, please do email them. Email is bloodbowlfaq@gwplc.com.


Blood Bowl: Second Season – rules feedback in advance of May designer notes

I am one of the admins for the Blood Bowl Community group on Facebook, whose 25,000 members have highlighted some areas of the BB rules where there is still room for interpretation so further guidance would be helpful.

Diving Tackle
The previous FAQ stated that DT can only be used on the reroll if it was not used on the initial roll. This is a new interpretation of any use of a reroll and opens up a few problems. The reasoning is that the player is now prone, so is not able to use the skill on the reroll. However, this interpretation indicates that in fact there is no tackle zone on the dodging player at all, which would lead to an automatic success. It also suggests that if the player is dodging from one square in the DT player’s tackle zone to another square in the same player’s tackle zone, then the modifier for dodging into a tackle zone would no longer apply either.
This is the only item where I thing a previous ruling should be reversed, as this really is an anomaly in the rules at the moment.

Blitz Result on Kick-Off
The wording of the blitz is d3+3 open players may move. One may blitz and one may TTM. Does this mean that if a 3 is rolled, then 6 players can move AND one may blitz, or 6 players can take an action, of which one can be a blitz?

Foul Appearance
FA is rolled at the beginning of a blitz action. If it is failed, does the player lose the entire action, including the move section? This is my understanding, but it is a bit strange, and is being interpreted differently by different people.

Sweltering Heat on weather table, Pitch Invasion on Kick-Off Table
D3 players are affected on each team. Is this a single d3 roll applied to both teams, or two separate d3 rolls, one for each team?
Player Activation
The previous FAQ stated clearly that you do not have to activate every player. It then goes on to say that you can declare a move with each player and not move them, which is not the same thing when dealing with negatraits. It would be great in the next FAQ to remove the second paragraph.

For me, these are likely to be the fundamental causes of disagreement in games. However, for my league I have tried to make it as clear as possible, so have put together a rules document. If as many of these could be clarified as possible by GW, that would be tremendously helpful, and of course if there is any way I can help, I am happy to do so.
The rules clarifications I have written can be found here: https://docs.google.com/…/1catXlLLAbvJLbrINOv0M…/edit…
Kind regards
Mike (sann0638 on the internet)

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