
ExScore is my version of tournament scoring software.  Anyone is welcome to use it, but personally I tend to use score for basic tournaments.  ExScore has the edge in the following circumstances:

  • If you want to give points for a team win
  • If you want to record lots of bonus points
  • If you want to use accelerated Swiss

You will need to have Excel, and to enable Macros.  If you’re going to use it please to test it extensively beforehand so that you know it works, and obviously let me know if it doesn’t!

Latest Version:  ExScore 10.4

ExScore was used at the Eurobowls in Sweden, Wales and Malta, as well as UKTC and other team championships internationally.

Version control within the workbook.

There is a Credits page in there, giving due thanks to Kaper on the ExcelForum on whose work the spreadsheet is based.